Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A concealing

You Love the me I pretend to be
But do you know who hides
deep in my shadows
a secret lies
that will change all you have thought of me
all that I am left to portray
is a character bound by dismay
You love the her she pretends to be
and know not of the secret she hides
though it may change all you have thought of her
you pressure all the more
to see what she keeps behind the doors
if she steps out
do you promise to still love me like before?
she has a secret fantasy
Someday she will come out and tell the world
but they won't understand
so here she resides behind locked doors
hiding who she's been
because of who she is

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I Love You

I love you!
What does it truely mean?
to me it is always just a cliche
an overly used bunch of words
"I love you!"
I say it often
but does it mean anything?
words are nothing
they are used blindly
and thrown everywhere
People take them to heart
I try to block them out
I try to be oblivious to all else
but although its what I want
no on will leave me alone
I love you isn't what I should say to you
because you are more special to me
than any bunch of words could ever be