Razors dancing for liquid life,
nestled in a cradle of skin.
Falling from my fingertips,
prick my thumb like a thorn,
and rest upon my shattered hip
A breath of lonely in my ears,
sighs of relinquishment
lingering in the air.
Welcoming this gloomy touch,
engulf my flesh,
make this enough.
Breed the pain.
Shelter the woes.
Longing fill my breathless howls.
As the eve grows dimmer still,
ease my suffering
with lifeless chills.
Caress my being
in a hallowed light.
Crimson blankets of what was
surrounding every inch.
Now I've finally broken free,
forever lying in my peace.
Shackles no longer
binding my heart.
My eyes are open
but, color is gone
all shapes forgotten
and hurt is no more.
A smile playing on my lips,
death came to claim
my rosy kiss.